Course Syllabus

Online Therapeutic Riding Apprentice Part 1

 We would like to welcome you to the world of therapeutic riding officially.  You are joining a very specialized group of practitioners with enthusiasm and passion, unlike anything else.  Therapeutic Riding is a unique, exciting field that is continually breaking new ground in many areas of education, rehabilitation, mental health, and human growth. The amount of effort you put into your training will be returned tenfold in the smiles and joy as you impact the quality of life of those you work. It is not a comfortable journey, but stay committed, and you will learn as much about yourself as you will about equine-assisted activities. 

This online program prepares you to take the PATH Registered instructor exam but does not qualify you to teach as an instructor.  The online application will only cover the fundamentals of horsemanship, horse care, PATH Standards, necessary information on working with people with disabilities, ADA information, lesson design, and volunteer/student management.  This course is referred to as Phase 1.  Phase two is the hands-on requirement for your training.  You will need to partner with a local center to complete your supervised teaching hours.   As a member of the online apprentice program, you are encouraged to begin volunteering at a local center if you are not already.  You are also encouraged to begin riding lessons that are appropriate for your level to prepare for the riding portion of them instructor process.  For those who are already working in the field and have the hands-on requirements covered, this online program will fill in the gaps as it relates to PATH standards. 

As with any adventure, this program is a two-way process.  You will only get out it what you put into it.  Observe, question, open your mind, open your heart, and you will discover the deeper connection that makes this work so powerful.  We will help you not only explore the fundamentals and methods of therapeutic riding but also help you to define your personal philosophy and values as they relate to the human-horse relationship.  The staff at ehorseeducation is here to help answer questions and provide a springboard for the more profound philosophical and ethical issues.   As a part of your fees for the program, you have unlimited access to the staff and mentors.   Take advantage of the vast experience and knowledge to help you to be the nest instructor you can be.  As part of that growth, we will send you honest feedback through quarterly evaluations and a final evaluation at the end. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you have any questions.  This journey is about you.



Blair McKissock

Apprentice Requirements

 1st 17wks- Online

  • Weekly discussions and check-in
  • Weekly research assignments 
  • The subject focus is on:
    • Theory and practical knowledge
    • Philosophical and ethical considerations
    • Population overviews
    • Instruction 
    • Horsemanship and horse management
    • Program development
    • Test preparation

 2nd Phase- Optional Mentorship- Onsite at a center

  • ***Practicum Hours- document 5 lessons by sending your lesson plans and progress notes for 5 classes.
  • ***Peer evaluation- Have another instructor, friend, or mentor evaluate your teaching and turn it in.
  • Mentor hours- these are the PATH required hours for certification.

 **Final project- the final project, which is due at the end of module 17, can be creative in nature and has very few parameters.  The objective of the final project is to bring the learning together and demonstrate what you have learned.  This demonstration can consist of a project where you video teaching a 20-minute class showing the greeting, mounting, activity/lesson, dismounting. This option is perfect for those who are going to be instructors and are not going own their won program. You can also write a paper discussing your business plan for your program.  The program write-up is helpful to those who are starting their own programs.  If you are a student in college, you are welcome to write a paper discussing the philosophy of therapeutic riding with a topic of your choice, no more than 5 pages.  You are welcome to choose which option or propose something unique.

 Optional but encouraged

  • Riding lessons at a local barn
  • Volunteer in lessons


 Apprentice Reading List


100+ Equine Assisted Activities, Lessons and Ideas McKissock, 2011

Strategies for Rehabilitation I and II, Engle, Barbara

Strategies for Instruction I, Engle, Barbara

 CHA Manual

 Pony Club Manual

 PATH Standards Manual

 Additional Reading ideas available through the Delta Society, EFMHA, EAGALA, Barbara Rector, and Anthrozoos.

 Assigned Articles


Apprentice Checklist


        This checklist must be completed before the PATH onsite instructor exam.  These items are based on the required competency areas for a registered instructor.

  •   Horse

Breeds, colors, markings, behavior, anatomy, nutrition, physiology, health, tack, equipment, movement, selection, and training, etc.

  •  Horsemanship

Preparation, safety, mounting, dismounting, position, gaits, aids, adaptive equipment, movement, ring figures, exercises, games, etc.

  •  Instruction

Preparation, safety, position, aids, ground lessons, stable lessons, lesson plans, documentation, goals, progress notes, record keeping, instruction methods,  communication, volunteers, parent communication, etc.

  •  Disabilities

Common disabilities served, considerations and contraindications to riding, pharmacology, human anatomy, terminology, appropriate interaction, problem-solving, proper use of equipment,  benefits, etc.

  • PATH

Regulations, standards, accreditation, student forms, member services available to the instructor, location of information, instructor certification process, emergency procedures, etc.





Topic Assignment/Quiz

Week 1 

Introduction and personal philosophy Write a reflection statement

Week 2 - Overview of EAAT

*Getting started

*Foundations of Animal Assisted Therapy. Why the horse?

*Explanation of professional organizations and what’s under the umbrella of Equine Assisted Activities.


Week 3 - Basic Horse Knowledge

*The horse- Breeds, colors, sizes and markings.

*The Horse- Physiology, anatomy

Quiz 2

Marking assignment

Week 4 - Horse Behavior and Sense

*The Horse- Senses and Behavior, vices, lesson behavior and management.

Quiz 3


Week 5 - Barn Management

*The Horse- Barn Management 

*The Horse- Grooming and maintenance

Quiz 4

Barn hazard assignment

Week 6 - Horse Health and Disease

*The Horse- Health and Disease *The Horse- Feeds and Feeding

Quiz 5

Reflective assignment

Week 7 - Horse Movement

*The Horse- Confirmation and Soundness, Foot Falls and Movement

*The Horse- Selection, Training and Maintenance of a Therapy Horse

Quiz 6

Video assignment

Week 8 - Adaptive Tack


*Tack- English tack, western tack, adaptive tack, tack selection, fitting, care and maintenance.

Quiz 7 

Tack assignment

Week 9 - Disabilities Overview

*Disabilities- (RD1.0) Human anatomy, Common disabilities, contraindications and medications.

Quiz 8

Disability assignment

Week 10 - Teaching Strategies

*Disabilities- Learning Styles, Sensory Integration, Teaching methods (RT5.0),.

*Horsemanship- teaching basic skills and communication, voice aids and hand aids, tools for adapting basic skills, Teaching methodology (RT1.0-1.6), power and skill of adaptation

Quiz 9


Week 11 - Mounting and Dismounting

*Disabilities- (RD2.0)Mounting and dismounting, handling techniques

*Disabilities- (RD2.0)Mounting and dismounting, handling techniques 

Quiz 10

Video assignment

Week 12 - Body Positions and Riding 

*Body Positions and ring figures Quiz 11
Week 13- Rider assessment *Instruction- Assessing your rider

Quiz 12

Assessment assignment

Week 14- Lesson Planning

*Instruction- Writing a treatment plan, lesson planning (APIE), goal and objective setting, and volunteer utilization.

Quiz 13

Lesson plan assignment

Week 15 - Lesson Management

*Instruction- Managing class, managing volunteers and parent communications and paperwork.

*Beyond basic lessons- planning programs, diversifying your skills, creativity in lessons

*Basic lesson ideas, songs and other essential tools.

* Strategies for working with specific disabilities.

Week 16 - Volunteer Management

*Volunteer Management Quiz 15

Week 17 - Business Sustainability

*Creating a sustainable therapeutic riding practice

*Test Preparation

Quiz 16

Personal reflection

 Week 18 and on - optional feedback


*Lesson plan submission

*Peer Feedback

*Video lesson and final project

Lesson video submission




Course Summary:

Date Details Due