Course Syllabus

Studying The Promised Day is Come, by Shoghi Effendi

Introduction to The Promised Day is Come


We are pleased to announce a 10-week distance-learning course on The Promised Day is Come. Coordinated by Ehsan Bayat, the course will involve reading  The Promised Day is Come, discussing it with fellow students via email. A series of discussion questions have been developed especially for the course, and old study guides available in archives and in libraries will be copied for the students' reference. The course is designed both for someone wishing a basic introduction to the work and for someone seeking material to teach classes on it.

Running from May 5th, 2012, to July 7th, 2012. Tuition is free. We will accept registrations until May 1, 2012



Introduction to The Promised Day is Come


The course will study The Promised Day Is Come, Shoghi Effendi's letter explaining the reasons for the world's present moral and social chaos and providing assurance that God has not abandoned humanity. The work recounts Baha'u'llah's proclamation of His mission to the rulers of His time; describes the derision and silence with which that proclamation was met; and recalls the sufferings of Baha'u'llah, the Bab, and `Abdu'l-Baha. Humanity's "tragic failure" to protest these tribulations has resulted in worldwide religious, political, economic, and moral upheaval, which is at once a visitation of God's judgment and "a cleansing process." The "fires" of this upheaval punish humankind's perversity and "weld its component parts into one organic, indivisible, world-embracing community." Units of study will cover Baha’u’llah’s proclamation to the world’s rulers and their response; the recipients of His message; their ensuing humiliation; the crumbling of religious orthodoxy; and the continuance of revelation. Studying The Promised Day Is Come helps us understand the “root decay of the present-day world” and how "the Hand of Providence" is working to fulfill God's purpose for humanity. We are reminded of our duty to accept Baha’u’llah and to "labor serenely, confidently, and unremittingly" as we do whatever we can to help to bring about His world order.


May 5th, 2012, to July 7th, 2012.  


Students should have a copy of The Promised Day is Come. This can either be purchased from a Baha'i Distribution Service,or downloaded from  

Facilitator: Ehsan Bayat

GRADES: There are ten homework assignments for a total of 100 points.


  The course will take 1 to 3 hours of work each week and will involve:

  1. Reading and using the knowledge you acquire. The course is divided into a series of units, each of which involves reading part of the Promised Day is Come . The course offers a series of study questions,  and readings.

  2. Assistance by a mentor/advisor, who reviews and comments on all homework you do, and answers your questions.

  3. For those who are part of local study groups, discussion assignments are provided.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due