Course Syllabus

Studying the Writings of Shoghi Effendi:

Introduction to Advent of the Divine Justice



We are pleased to announce a fifteen-week distance-learning course on The Advent of Divine Justice. Coordinated by Ehsan Bayat and Dr. Ghasem Bayat, the course will involve reading  The Advent of Divine Justice. A series of discussion questions have been developed especially for the course, and old study guides available in archives and in libraries will be copied for the students' reference. The course is designed both for someone wishing a basic introduction to the work and for someone seeking material to teach classes on it.

Running from September 1st, 2018, to December 1, 2018. Tuition is free. We will accept registrations until September 1, 2018



Introduction to The Advent of Divine Justice


  Study of The Advent of Divine Justice should be a priority of every Bahá'í. Composed in 1938, near the middle of Shoghi Effendi's Guardianship, it is one of most important of the Bahá'í writings to understand. It is addressed to the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada, whose community it extols as the "chief remaining citadel" of the Faith. Much of the book addresses the "faults, habits, and tendencies which they have inherited from their own nation" that they must "weed" out and the "distinctive qualities and characteristics" of the Faith they must "patiently and prayerfully" cultivate. In it Shoghi Effendi identifies the "most vital and challenging issue confronting the Bahá'í community," defines a "chaste and holy life," and delineates the "spiritual prerequisites of success" in teaching. He especially addresses the Bahá'í youth and places all the actions of the American Bahá'ís in the context of the destiny of America. Understanding and living by the standards set in The Advent of Divine Justice are fundamental to building an inclusive community based on virtue and holiness and to fostering the process leading to entry by troops.


  September 1, 2018, to December 1, 2018


Students should have a copy of The Advent of Divine Justice. This can either be purchased from a Baha'i Distribution Service,or downloaded from

Facilitator: Ehsan Bayat and Dr. Ghasem Bayat

GRADES: There are twelve homework assignments and one final exam for a total of 200 points.


  The course will take 1 to 3 hours of work each week and will involve:

  • Reading and using the knowledge you acquire. The course is divided into a series of units, each of which involves reading part of the Advent of Divine Justice. The course offers a series of study questions,  and readings.

  • Assistance by a mentor/advisor, who reviews and comments on all homework you do, and answers your questions.

  • For those who are part of local study groups, discussion assignments are provided.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due