Course Syllabus


Course Information

Course Title:                      Integrated Interdisciplinary Technology

Course Number:                ETIN8122

Course Date:                     Fall 2011     January 10th thru March 7th, 2011

Course Location:               Online Course

Instructor:                         Trina Anderson, Candice Blankenship, Olivia Blankenship,

                                        Denese Bogard, Keashundria Wilson

Location: Education Information Technology Department

Office Hours:  By Appointment Only

Phone: 1-870-762-1020

Course Description:          Integrated Interdisciplinary Technology is designed to introduce students pursuing an undergraduate degree in the field of Technology Education. This is an upper-level undergraduate course designed to provide students opportunity to combine curriculum from two or more disciplines to see how ideas are connected. Teaching in such a contextual manner promotes collaboration, critical thinking, and knowledge retention. This allows you as a student, the opportunity to become familiar with the use of modern technology as well as hands on experience to prepare you for the classroom setting.

ETIN8122 is designed to introduce students to the five most used technology resources that will enhance classroom learning.

Pre-requisite/program:    (For Undergraduate Students Only) CS11033 Computer Fundamentals, ED 23003 Intro to Teaching

Students must be familiar with Microsoft office and how to use search engines.

Learning Outcomes:


1.      Introduction to Touch Screen Interactions (smart board activities)

2.      Microsoft Office Excel for classroom management.

3.      Multiple Learning Devices (cell phone)

4.      Image Photo Smart (document camera)

5.      The World Wide Web.                                                                                                                    

Instructional Methods

Methods:  This course is taught using a variety of class discussions, project creation, and electronic discussion (discussion board).

Textbook & Materials

Textbook Title:                  Using Technology in the classroom, 7th Edition

Publisher:                          Bitter and Legacy  ISBN-0205508944


  1. Students will be assigned technology labs. Information needed to complete lab assignments will be posted on the Instructure each Monday. There will be no lab assignment due for week one and week five.
  2. At the beginning of the course (Week One) students will create a personal introduction on the Instructure Discussion Board where only class members can view. The minimum requirement for the introduction are: name, address, degree(s), major, employer and job title, and something interesting you would like us to know about you.
  3. Students will be required to complete a five case scenario, which will be counted as your Midterm grade. Using the 5 key technology resources, students will describe the action they will take when given a specified scenario. The data in these scenarios are fictional
  4. The final exam will consist of how to integrate the 5 key resources you have studied throughout this course, using the curriculum/objectives provided by the instructors.


Week 1                              Introduction Due January 4th

Week 2                              Discussion Board Due January 11th

Week 3                              Discussion Board Due January 18th

Week 4                              Discussion Board Due January 25th

Week 5                              Mid-term Due February 1st

Week 6                              Discussion Board Due February 8th

Week 7                              Discussion Board Due February 15th

Week 8                              Final Exam Due March 22nd


Students will earn a letter grade for this course. Graduate students must obtain a B or better. Undergraduate students must obtain a letter grade of C or better.

                                          50% Final Exam (essay) worth 200 points

                                          25% Midterm (5 case scenarios) worth 150 points

                                          20% Ed-tech labs (discussion board) worth 25 points each

                                            5% Introduction (discussion board) worth 15 points

 Grading Scale

                                          515 - 465=A

                                          464 - 414=B

                                          413 - 363=C

                                          362 - 312=D

                                          311 - 0    =F

Course Summary:

Date Details Due